Preventing threats and violence

Employers and employees in the social sector wished to create an online learning universe focusing on prevention and management of threats and outright violence against social workers. Great Dane developed the website Metoder Mod Vold (Methods Against Violence) using a mix of videos and text to demonstrate methods with a proven track record when working with citizens with special needs. We were in charge of the whole process from conceptualisation to final site drawing on input from leading professionals and collaborating with municipal social services across Denmark.

Client: Kommunernes Landsforening (Local Government Denmark), and trade unions FOA, 3F, Socialpædagogerne, Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Sundhedskartellet.

Preventing threats and violence

Employers and employees in the social sector wished to create an online learning universe focusing on prevention and management of threats and outright violence against social workers. Great Dane developed the website Metoder Mod Vold (Methods Against Violence) using a mix of videos and text to demonstrate methods with a proven track record when working with citizens with special needs. We were in charge of the whole process from conceptualisation to final site drawing on input from leading professionals and collaborating with municipal social services across Denmark.

Client: Kommunernes Landsforening (Local Government Denmark), and trade unions FOA, 3F, Socialpædagogerne, Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Sundhedskartellet.